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Social Security

  • Stephanie O. Joy / Joy Disability

Yes, SSDI Claimants and Beneficiaries Can Work, And Many Of Our Clients Do!

Many people believe, and some attorneys even incorrectly tell them, that they can not be productive or earn income when disabled. This is not accurate. Not at all.

In fact, the SSA encourages working and provides for opportunities for beneficiaries who remain disabled to do so without cancelling their Title 2 (Social Security Disability Insurance) benefits. That said, you must be smart about it.

Being able to work, contribute to household income beyond one's insurance benefits, can have a huge effect on one's standard of living and quality of life, both physically and mentally.

As such, if you have a pending claim OR are already deemed disabled and are collecting your earned and paid for SSDIB benefits, and you believe you could do something gainfully - or have been made an employment offer, DO get the straight up on what you need to do to comply with SSDIB rules to do so without having your benefits terminated. If you are a current client of Joy Disability, either wth a pending claim OR, as a CDR-service subscriber, you enjoy unlimited phone consultations on this and other issues related to your situation. Just call or email Attorney Joy. If you are not, we offer flat fee attorney phone consultations on just this issue. You can order your consult appointment here.

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